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Nurturing the Colour Rhythm of your Child

Posted by Navdeep Kaur on
Nurturing the Colour Rhythm of your Child

Children with their malleable minds are always ready to absorb what comes their way. What they really need is a sense of rhythm to navigate through the overwhelming world. 

A child in a room filled with colours isn’t always a happy picture. It might be an organised chaos which in the early years, over-stimulates a child. According to Rudolf Steiner’s theory of twelve senses, out of all the senses, sight contributes most to our awareness and it is also the easiest to block. 

Our ‘Wonderful You’ bundles are here to help you break colour stereotypes and add a myriad of hues to your baby's life in an organised manner. These bundles are creatively designed after observing many children and their interaction with colours. 

When we spoke to parents around their idea of gender neutral colours for their children, there were two key concerns that they highlighted - 

Concern #1 - Having no access point to introduce “controversial” colours in your child’s life. Hence the child misses out on a broad spectrum. This isn’t limited to the gender biases but also beliefs associated with colours.

Concern #2 - The other unsaid problem we noticed was how overwhelmed a child gets when too many new colours are introduced to them.

This is where we felt the need to bring a harmonious colour system that helps children experience a colour equilibrium. Each ‘Wonderful you’ bundle has a colour palette inspired from visual artworks made by kids. The palettes do not follow any of the conventional rules of colour harmony. They are as free, whimsical and imaginative as a child’s mind!

Wonderful You Kids Artworks

This is just a start, a nudge. Parents can keep building on this. On a weekly basis, change the palette and explore new possibilities with your child. Maybe the colour palette becomes a fun family game, where the whole week is about introducing, say green- that week you eat healthy greens, wear different shades of green, explore natural green leaves, paint with greens and so on. This introduces colours to your child in a raw and organic way. It helps them form an innate connection with them and understand the multiplicity of each hue.

Bringing forth such exercises during early years ensures a sense of calm and a happy relationship between your child and colours. Sometimes yellows become their muse for days and months and then they move on to blues. 

'Wonderful You' bundles promote healthy interaction with the entire colour spectrum. Most importantly, it is the answer to your question of, " How to introduce colours without biases?"

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